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Mission Green

Our effort for a better, healthy, and balanced world

From intensive agriculture with the use of chemicals, after the acquisition of the two lakes and their care, we are directed towards the management of the elements (earth, water, fire and air) in a respectful, balanced and natural way for the production of food, energy, houses, hygiene, and health, social relations and wellbeing. In this direction, we are working with the aim of putting these techniques into practice, improving them and disseminating their use, and ultimately achieving self-management and self-sufficiency to share with our guests and with those who work in this field. Our fields of application are natural pools, phyto-purification of water, straw for building houses, renewable biomass and solar energy, organic food production, natural and psycho-physical wellness, self-sufficient community projects.

Food production

Food production

Producing, processing and preserving food in a natural way.

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Homemade energy

Homemade energy

Renewable energy from the sun and biomass

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Energy self sufficiency

Energy self sufficiency

A realistic goal or a pipe dream?

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Bio-pool and phyto-purification of water

Bio-pool and phyto-purification of water

Healthy water in a natural way.

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Houses made of straw bales, wood and earth

Houses made of straw bales, wood and earth

Building with straw bales, wood and earth

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